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soldat german si dascal din viseu de sus 1917

Un soldat german in Viseu de Sus…1917 cu
dascălul …Fotografiatä de ofiterul german Erich Hoffmann , care a fost stationat un an de zile in Viseu de Sus .
Andrei Andreica:
Acest dascăl a fost frate cu bunica maternă și în ciuda handicapului de care suferea, a fost o personalitate locală de prim rang , un erudit vestit ,căutat de multe personalități ale vremii . Chiar eu am citit o scrisoare, din corespondența pe care o avea cu Ion Agârbiceanu , scriitorul.
Cunostea aproape toate limbile minorităților locale dar mai ales germana ,in care și-a făcut studiile.A luminat mințile a sute de copii !!. Păcat că nu s-a scris nici o monografie ,despre acest vestit dascăl local.

Rumanian dwarf (teacher and county clerk) on his farm in Felsővisó

Rumanian dwarf (teacher and county clerk) on his farm in Felsővisó

„Rumanian dwarf (teacher and county clerk) on his farm in Felsővisó”

In 1916 when the Romanians declared war on the Central Powers and invaded Transylvania, elements of the seasoned German Alpenkorps were deployed to support the flighty Austro-Hungarians. The Germans who fought on this front from August 1916 to the end of 1917 were named Karpathenkorps.

Among these fellows was the officer Erich Hoffmann who was quartered in the village of Felsővisó. Hoffmann was a skilled and passionate photographer who took his camera with him wherever he went. In his time in Romania he managed to fill three photo albums with pictures of the local inhabitants, including many of the dwarf depicted above who taught at the local school.

Orthodox Jews and the local inhabitants in their colourful traditional costumes were another favourite subject. Unfortunately, little more is known about Hoffmann or his fate.